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Variable Ultrafast Compressor and Stretcher Kit

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Contents of Kit:
See Technical Information Tab

Regulatory Compliance

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Product Details

  • Negative Group Delay Dispersion as Low as -10,000fs2 with Minimal Third Order Dispersion
  • Positive Group Delay Dispersion as High as 4000 fs2 with Minimal Third Order Dispersion
  • Compatible with UV, VIS, and IR Ultrafast Lasers

The Variable Ultrafast Pulse Compressor and Stretcher Kit provides an easy, low-cost framework for a customizable ultrafast dispersive system. This kit includes the necessary optomechanics and requires user selected dispersion compensating mirrors depending on the application. Designed to be easily aligned and bidirectional with precision mounting hardware, options are available to cover most common ultrafast laser lines including Ti:Sapphire, Yb-doped Fiber Lasers, UV, and Mid-IR Lasers. Once aligned, the Variable Ultrafast Compressor and Stretcher Kit is portable and can be shared among multiple laser setups serving as a drop-in solution for variable dispersion compensation. This kit is ideal for dispersion compensation and pulse recompression in applications such as multi-photon microscopy and ultrafast micro-machining.

Technical Information

Type Spectral Range Wavelength Range (nm) GDD Specification (fs2) GDD Increments (fs2) Required Mirrors


Broadband 600 - 950 -200 to -50 -50

1x #17-064

3x #13-060

1x #13-059

Compressor Broadband 650 - 1350 -240 to -60 -60

1x #14-674

3x #39-208

1x #39-194

Compressor UV 255 - 277 -1160 to -300 -290

2x #17-066

3x #11-735

1x #11-734

Compressor Ti:Sapphire 780 - 830 -10400 to -2600 -2600

2x #12-331

3x #26-830

1x #26-829

Compressor Near-IR 1010 - 1050 -8000 to -2000 -2000

2x #17-070

3x #26-836

1x #26-835

Compressor Near-IR 1000 - 1060 -4000 to -1000 -1000

2x #12-333

3x #26-836

1x #26-835

Compressor Near-IR 950 - 1120 -1600 to -400 -400

2x #12-328

3x #17-265

1x #17-264

Compressor 2µm 2000 - 2200 -8000 to -2000 -2000

2x #11-414

3x #39-208

1x #39-194

Stretcher Ti:Sapphire 700 - 1000 200 to 800 200

2x #17-069

3x #13-060

1x #13-059

Stretcher Near-IR 800 - 1100 200 to 800 200

2x #17-069

3x #17-265

1x #17-264

Stretcher Mid-IR 200 - 3600 1000 to 4000 1000

2x #17-063

3x #39-208

1x #39-194