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TECHSPEC® components are designed, specified, or manufactured by Edmund Optics. TECHSPEC® components are designed, specified, or manufactured by Edmund Optics. Learn More

PeakPower Low-GDD Ultrafast Dielectric Mirror, 920nm, 45° AOI, 25.4mm Dia., 6.35mm Thick

Stock #29-521 3-4 days
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Physical & Mechanical Properties

Diameter (mm):
25.40 +0.00/-0.10
Thickness (mm):
6.35 ±0.10
Commercial Polish
Protective as needed

Optical Properties

Surface Quality:
Coating Specification:
Rs > 99.50% @ 840 - 1010nm @ 45° AOI
Rp > 99.50% @ 870 - 980nm @ 45° AOI
GDD Specification:
0±50 fs2 @ 840 - 1010nm @ 45° AOI (s-pol)
0±50 fs2 @ 880 - 960nm @ 45° AOI (p-pol)
Surface Flatness (P-V):
Design Wavelength DWL (nm):
840 - 1010, 870 - 980
Damage Threshold, Reference: Damage threshold for optical components varies by substrate material and coating. Click here to learn more about this specification.
0.5J/cm2 @ 920nm, 100-on-1, S-Polarization, 5Hz, Pulse Duration 25fs, 350µm Dia.

Regulatory Compliance

Certificate of Conformance:

Product Details

TECHSPEC® PeakPower High LDT Low GDD Ultrafast Mirrors utilize an innovative design approach to maximize laser damage threshold for ultrafast pulses. These mirrors boast a near 0fs2 GDD over a broad spectral bandwidth, making them suitable for the most demanding ultrafast applications. A 45° angle of incidence makes them perfectly suitable as turn mirrors in advanced ultrafast laser systems. TECHSPEC® PeakPower High LDT Low GDD Ultrafast Mirrors' high reflectivity ensures minimal loss while maintaining ultrashort pulse durations. The outstanding high laser damage threshold (LDT) values exceeding 0.75J/cm2 for 25fs Pulse Duration at 920nm for these mirrors ensures they will perform even under exceptionally high ultrafast pulse energies.