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25mm Dia., SCHOTT NG Absorptive ND Filter Kit (14 Filters)

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Stock #15-095 Contact Us
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Filters Included :
0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 1.0, 1.3, 1.6, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0
Neutral Density Filter

Physical & Mechanical Properties

Diameter (mm):

Optical Properties

Substrate: Many glass manufacturers offer the same material characteristics under different trade names. Learn More
ND Filter Glass
Blocking Wavelength Range (nm):
400 - 700

Regulatory Compliance

Certificate of Conformance:

Product Details

  • Tightly Controlled Transmission Specifications
  • NG4, NG9, or NG11 Glass Types
  • Specified Optical Densities from 0.15 to 5.0
  • Provide Even Light Attenuation in the Visible Spectrum
  • SCHOTT NG Gray Glass Also Available

SCHOTT NG Absorptive Neutral Density (ND) Filters consist of NG4, NG9, or NG11 SCHOTT glass types and provide even light attenuation through absorption in the visible spectrum. These filters are manufactured to achieve a specified optical density, ranging from 0.15 to 5.0, to simplify integration into optical systems. SCHOTT NG Absorptive Neutral Density (ND) Filters are available in a standard 50 x 50mm size and multiple filters can be stacked to achieve custom optical densities. Custom sizes from 5 to 160mm as well as custom optical densities or transmission values for specific wavelengths are available on request; for more information, visit our Colored Glass Filter Manufacturing capabilities webpage. SCHOTT NG Gray Glass Filters are also available.

Each filter lot is measured and thickness is adjusted to meet the specified transmission value at 546nm. Variations in filter lot performance can result in variations in nominal thickness; however, the transmission variations between lots will be minimal.

Filter Simulation Software

Click here to download SCHOTT’s colored glass filter calculation program which can be used to calculate the internal transmittance and external transmission of each SCHOTT glass type. The program can simulate the performance of individual filters with user specified thickness or of stacked filters with varying glass types and thicknesses.

Technical Information


Title CompareStock Number  Price Buy
12.5mm Dia., SCHOTT NG Absorptive ND Filter Kit (14 Filters) #15-094 €276,00   Request Quote
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25mm Dia., SCHOTT NG Absorptive ND Filter Kit (14 Filters) #15-095 €510,00   Request Quote
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50mm Sq., SCHOTT NG Absorptive ND Filter Kit (14 Filters) #15-096 €1.090,00   Request Quote
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Quote Your Size

Please enter your required specifications here:
Filter Number
This size filter is outside of our standard range. Please contact us to discuss manufacturing feasibility and get a custom quote.
This size filter is outside of our standard range. Please contact us to discuss manufacturing feasibility and get a custom quote.
This size filter is outside of our standard range. Please contact us to discuss manufacturing feasibility and get a custom quote.
Typical 3-4 week delivery. Delivery date to be confirmed at time of order.
Standard Manufacturing Tolerances:
Edge length and diameter +/-0.2 mm
Thickness For ≤ 1mm: ± 0.1mm
For > 1 – 3mm: ± 0.2mm
Surface Quality 60 – 40
Surface Accuracy ≤8 Waves
Parallelism ≤3 arcmin
Clear Aperture ≥90%
Edges & Bevels Round parts ≥ ∅5mm: polished edges & protective bevel
Square & rectangular parts < 50 x 50mm: polished edges, no bevel
Edge Chips For ≤ ∅80mm: < 0.3mm (5/E0.3),
for ≥ ∅81mm < 0.6mm (5/E0.6)

Surface quality according to DIN ISO 10110:
Polishing quality P2
Defects 5/3 x 0.63
All edges machined
Round filters with chamfer max. 0.5mm, square and rectangular < 50x50mm without chamfer
Edge chips permitted up to 5/E0.3
General Information SCHOTT Optical Filter Glass:
BG Blue, blue-green, and multiband glasses
GG Nearly colorless to yellow glasses, IR transmitting
KG Virtually colorless glasses with high transmission in the visible and absorption in the IR
NG Neutral density glasses with uniform attenuation in the visible range
OG Orange glasses, IR transmitting
RG Red and black glasses, blocking visible, IR transmitting
UG Black and blue glasses, UV transmitting
VG Green glasses
WG Colorless glasses with different cut-offs in the UV, transmitting in the visible and IR ranges
Note: The spectral curves above show the internal transmittance of the individual optical filter glasses

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