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25.8mm Outer Diameter, Precision Pinhole Mount

25.8mm Outer Diameter, Precision Pinhole Mount, #53-287

25.8mm Outer Diameter, Precision Pinhole Mount, #53-287

Stock #53-287 3-4 days
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Requires one pinhole aperture

Physical & Mechanical Properties

Outer Diameter (mm):
Black Anodized Aluminum

Threading & Mounting

Diameter of Compatible Optics (mm):
Barrel Thread:
RMS (0.8" - 36 TPI)

Regulatory Compliance

Not Compliant
Certificate of Conformance:

Product Details

With a 1.02" diameter, the Precision Pinhole Mount features a retainer ring for the secure placement of ⅜" (9.5mm) diameter unmounted precision pinholes. The back face has a male external RMS thread (20.32mm x 36TPI). When used with #03-627 threaded objective ring mount, the Precision Pinhole Mount can easily mount to C-mount components. A two piece ring mount with a ¼-20 mounting hole is available to adapt the Precision Pinhole Mount to standard optical breadboards and posts.

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