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25.4mm Dia., 700 - 1100nm, Positive Dispersion Ultrafast Mirror

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UltraFast Innovations (UFI) Positive Dispersion Ultrafast Mirrors

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Physical & Mechanical Properties

Wedge (arcmin):
Clear Aperture (%):
Back Surface:
Commercial Polish
Diameter (mm):
25.40 +0.00/-0.05
Thickness (mm):
6.35 ±0.20

Optical Properties

Coating Specification:
Ravg >99.5% @ 700 - 1100nm (5° AOI, p-polarization)
GDD Specification:
+100fs2 @ 700 - 1100nm (5° AOI, p-polarization)
Wavelength Range (nm):
700 - 1100
Irregularity (P-V) @ 632.8nm:
Coating Type:
Positive Dispersion (700-1100nm)
Design Wavelength DWL (nm):
700 - 1100
Angle of Incidence (°):
Substrate: Many glass manufacturers offer the same material characteristics under different trade names. Learn More
Fused Silica (Corning 7980)

Regulatory Compliance

RoHS 2015:
Certificate of Conformance:
Reach 235:

Product Details

UltraFast Innovations (UFI) Positive Dispersion Ultrafast Mirrors provide positive GDD with the same sign of GDD as the most common materials in this wavelength range. These positively chirped mirrors can be used for pulse compression and chirped-pulsed amplifier systems such as hybrid prism/mirror compressors. These mirrors feature high reflectance >99.5% for both S and P polarizations between 700 - 1100nm. At a design angle of incidence (AOI) of 5°, these mirrors maximize the number of reflections between a pair of ultrafast mirrors while maintaining a small footprint. UltraFast Innovations (UFI) Positive Dispersion Ultrafast Mirrors feature fused silica substrates with excellent thermal stability and a 25.4mm diameter to facilitate integration into NIR applications. Please contact us if your laser system requires a custom size, wavelength, or pulse profile.

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