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15mm, Protected Silver Coated, N-BK7 90° Specialty Mirror

Stock #21-187 Contact Us
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Right Angle Mirror

Physical & Mechanical Properties

Clear Aperture CA (mm):
Dimensional Tolerance (mm):
Protective bevel as needed
Clear Aperture (%):
Length of Hypotenuse (mm):
Length of Legs (mm):

Optical Properties

Protected Silver (450-10000nm)
Substrate: Many glass manufacturers offer the same material characteristics under different trade names. Learn More
Surface Quality:
Angle Tolerance (arcmin):
Coating Specification:
Ravg >98% @ 450 - 2000nm
Ravg >98% @ 2000 - 10,000nm
Wavelength Range (nm):
450 - 10000
Coating Type:
Damage Threshold, Reference: Damage threshold for optical components varies by substrate material and coating. Click here to learn more about this specification.
0.5 J/cm2 @ 532nm & 1064nm, 10ns
Power (fringes) @ 632.8nm:
Irregularity (fringes) @ 632.8nm:

Regulatory Compliance

RoHS 2015:
Certificate of Conformance:
REACH 241:

Product Details

  • Splits Input Image Into Two Paths Separated by 180°
  • Variety of Sizes and Broadband Coatings Available
  • Additional Right Angle Prism Options Available

TECHSPEC® 90° Specialty Mirrors are constructed from right angle prisms with a mirror coating on the two legs and an uncoated hypotenuse. The mirrored surfaces form a precise 90° angle, ideal for splitting an image from a single imaging lens onto two different cameras, or for combining two images onto a single camera.

Technical Information

Stock No. Coating A B C
#49-412 Enhanced Aluminum (450-650nm) 5mm 7.1mm 5mm
#65-847 Protected Gold (700-10000nm)
#21-185 Protected Silver (450-10000nm)
#47-004 Enhanced Aluminum (450-650nm) 10mm 14.1mm 10mm
#47-237 Protected Gold (700-10000nm)
#21-186 Protected Silver (450-10000nm)
#49-413 Enhanced Aluminum (450-650nm) 15mm 21.2mm 15mm
#65-848 Protected Gold (700-10000nm)
#21-187 Protected Silver (450-10000nm)
#49-414 Enhanced Aluminum (450-650nm) 20mm 28.3mm 20mm
#65-849 Protected Gold (700-10000nm)
#21-188 Protected Silver (450-10000nm)
#47-005 Enhanced Aluminum (450-650nm) 25mm 35.4mm 25mm
#47-238 Protected Gold (700-10000nm)
#21-189 Protected Silver (450-10000nm)
#47-006 Enhanced Aluminum (450-650nm) 50mm 70.7mm 50mm
#47-239 Protected Gold (700-10000nm)
#21-190 Protected Silver (450-10000nm)
#47-309 Enhanced Aluminum (450-650nm) 75mm 106.1mm 75mm
#47-310 Protected Gold (700-10000nm)
#21-191 Protected Silver (450-10000nm)

Coating Curves

  • Protected Silver (450-10000nm) - Rₛ 45°
  • Protected Silver (450-10000nm) - Rₚ 45°
  • Protected Silver (450-10000nm) - R(avg) 45°
  • Protected Silver (450-10000nm) - R @ 0°
Only 2 different Y Axises can be displayed at one time.
Wavelength (nm)3001270224132114182515261227093806390340%20%40%60%80%100%Reflection (%)Coating Curve ChartProtected Silver (450-10000nm) - Rₛ 45°
SHIFT + SELECT an area on CURVE to zoom

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