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0.6 OD M46 x 0.75, Machine Vision Absorptive ND Filter

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Mounted Imaging Filter

Physical & Mechanical Properties

Clear Aperture CA (mm):

Optical Properties

Optical Density OD (Average):
Substrate: Many glass manufacturers offer the same material characteristics under different trade names. Learn More
ND Filter Glass
Surface Quality:
Transmission (%):
Blocking Wavelength Range (nm):
425 - 675

Threading & Mounting

Filter Thread:
M46 x 0.75
Mount Thickness (mm):
Mount Thickness Including Threads (mm):

Regulatory Compliance

Certificate of Conformance:
REACH 241:

Product Details

  • Multiple Mounting Sizes and Threads Available
  • 40-20 Surface Quality
  • Helps Minimize Pixel Saturation

Machine Vision Absorptive Neutral Density (ND) Filters are designed to evenly attenuate the intensity of light over a specific wavelength range reaching a camera’s sensor. These neutral density filters are spectrally flat in the visible spectrum from 425 – 675nm, so there is little to no effect on color balance. As such, these filters can be used with both monochromatic and color cameras. Machine Vision Absorptive Neutral Density (ND) Filters include both male and female threads, allowing them to be stacked with other neutral density filters to achieve various optical densities. Featuring common machine vision threads from M22 up to M105, these neutral density filters can be easily integrated into a wide variety of systems.

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