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Edmund Optics® Laser Power and Energy Meters


#89-306 Deluxe Power Meter #89-305 USB Power Meter #89-307
  • Premier Laser Power and Energy Meter Features Touch Screen Display
  • Deluxe Laser Power Meter Features Digital Display
  • USB Laser Power Meter Features Direct Interface to Computer
  • Edmund Optics Power and Energy Detectors Sold Separately

Edmund Optics® Laser Power and Energy Meters are offered in a range of models to meet different user requirements. The Premier Laser Power and Energy Meter reads all EO power and energy detectors and features a 640 x 480 resolution, 5.6” diagonal, color touch screen display. The Premier provides multiple real-time statistical functions such as standard deviation, RMS and PTP stability, and pulse number and repetition rate, along with the ability to save data directly to a USB key. The Deluxe Laser Power Meter is designed for use with thermopiles and optical detectors. The Deluxe’s ergonomic and low power design can last 670 hours on just four AA batteries, features a large 76 x 57mm display, and provides single-button access to all functions. The USB Laser Power Meter is also for use with thermopile and optical detectors and can be connected directly to a PC using the including software and the port powered-USB interface.

Note: Manuals are available for download for all models.

Common Specifications

Type of Sensor:


 Note   Type   Computer Interface   Compare   Stock Number   Price  Buy
EO Premier Power/Energy Meter Average Power, Single Shot Energy USB, USB Key, Ethernet, RS-232, Analog Output, External Trigger
EO Deluxe Power Meter Average Power None
EO USB Power/Energy Meter Average Power, Single Shot Energy USB 2.0