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Coherent® High Performance OBIS™ LX/LS Laser Systems

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Coherent® High Performance OBIS™ LX/LS Laser Systems are compact, plug-and-play lasers that offer a wide range of wavelengths from the ultraviolet to the near-infrared in a single platform. Although each laser utilizes one of two technologies, either Coherent’s proprietary Optically Pumped Semiconductor Laser (OPSL) or laser diode-based, these laser systems feature the same beam parameters in packages that allow the user to plug-and-play alternate wavelengths as needed. Coherent® High Performance OBIS™ LX/LS Laser Systems includes a USB, RS-485, and full I/O interface. A multicolor LED has been integrated into the top cover to provide laser status at a glance.

Common Specifications

Type of Laser:
Laser Class - CDRH:
Spatial Mode:
Power Supply:
Power Supply Required and Sold Separately:
USA: #87-473
Europe: #87-473
Japan: #87-473
Korea: #87-473
China: #87-473
Output Type:
Free Space


 Wavelength (nm)   Output Power (mW)   Output Type   Beam Diameter (mm)   RMS Noise   Compare  Stock Number  Price Buy
375.00 16 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.05% (20Hz to 20MHz)
375.00 16 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.05% (20Hz to 20MHz)
375.00 50 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.05% (20Hz to 20MHz)
405.00 50 Free Space 0.8 ≤0.05% (20Hz to 20MHz)
405.00 100 Free Space 0.8 ≤0.05% (20Hz to 20MHz)
405.00 140 Free Space 0.8 ≤0.05% (20Hz to 20MHz)
405.00 200 Free Space 0.8 ≤0.05% (20Hz to 20MHz)
405.00 250 Free Space 0.8 ≤0.05% (20Hz to 20MHz)
422.00 100 Free Space 0.9 ≤0.05% (20Hz to 20MHz)
445.00 75 Free Space 0.6 ≤0.05% (20Hz to 20MHz)
458.00 75 Free Space 0.8 ≤0.05% (20Hz to 20MHz)
473.00 75 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.05% (20Hz to 20MHz)
488.00 20 Free Space 0.7 0.25% (20Hz to 20MHz)
488.00 50 Free Space 0.8 ≤0.05% (20Hz to 20MHz)
488.00 60 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.25% (20Hz to 20MHz)
488.00 80 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.25% (20Hz to 20MHz)
488.00 100 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.25% (20Hz to 20MHz)
488.00 150 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.25% (20Hz to 20MHz)
488.00 150 Free Space 0.8 ≤0.05% (20Hz to 20MHz)
505.00 50 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.05% (20Hz to 20MHz)
514.00 20 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.05% (20Hz to 20MHz)
514.00 40 Free Space 0.6 ≤0.25% (20Hz to 20MHz)
520.00 40 Free Space 0.6 ≤0.05% (20Hz to 20MHz)
532.00 20 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.25% (20Hz to 20MHz)
532.00 50 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.25% (20Hz to 20MHz)
532.00 80 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.25% (20Hz to 20MHz)
532.00 100 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.25% (20Hz to 20MHz)
532.00 150 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.25% (20Hz to 20MHz)
552.00 20 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.25% (20Hz to 20MHz)
552.00 60 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.25% (20Hz to 20MHz)
552.00 80 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.25% (20Hz to 20MHz)
552.00 100 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.25% (20Hz to 20MHz)
552.00 150 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.25% (20Hz to 20MHz)
561.00 20 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.25% (20Hz to 20MHz)
561.00 50 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.25% (20Hz to 20MHz)
561.00 80 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.25% (20Hz to 20MHz)
561.00 100 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.25% (20Hz to 20MHz)
561.00 150 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.25% (20Hz to 20MHz)
594.00 20 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.25% (20Hz to 20MHz)
594.00 60 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.25% (20Hz to 20MHz)
594.00 100 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.25% (20Hz to 20MHz)
637.00 140 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.05% (20Hz to 20MHz)
640.00 40 Free Space 0.8 ≤0.05% (20Hz to 20MHz)
640.00 100 Free Space 0.8 ≤0.05% (20Hz to 20MHz)
647.00 120 Free Space 0.8 ≤0.05% (20Hz to 20MHz)
660.00 100 Free Space 0.9 ≤0.05% (20Hz to 20MHz)
685.00 40 Free Space 0.8 ≤0.05% (20Hz to 20MHz)
730.00 30 Free Space 0.8 ≤0.05% (20Hz to 20MHz)
808.00 150 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.05% (20Hz to 20MHz)
980.00 100 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.05% (20Hz to 20MHz)
980.00 150 Free Space 0.7 ≤0.05% (20Hz to 20MHz)

Product Details

Note: A power supply is required for operation and sold separately. OBIS remote is required for CDRH certified systems. The OBIS heat sink is recommended.

Three power supply options are available, but only one is required. #87-472 (not CDRH certified) includes a power supply with power cord. #87-473 (CDRH certified) includes a 1m laser-to-remote cable, and DC power supply with power cable. #87-475 (CDRH certified) includes a 6 laser scientific remote, internal power supply, and six 1m laser-to-remote cables with power cord.

Coherent® High Performance OBIS™ LX/LS Laser Systems are designed for an extensive range of OEM or scientific applications including environmental monitoring, inspection, or machine vision, or for use in the life sciences for the fluorescence excitation of dyes and proteins in flow cytometry, microscopy, DNA sequencing, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) diagnostic instruments, or drug delivery.  These lasers feature smart electronics to ensure superior low-noise optical performance, and an ultra-small controller that has been integrated into the laser head.

Technical Information


Title CompareStock Number  Price Buy
3m OBIS Laser-to-Remote Cable #11-504 €225,00   Request Quote
  • 3-4 days
Coherent® OBIS™ LX/LS Laser Box with Power Supply 1228877 #33-351 €2.995,00   Request Quote
  • 3-4 days
Cage OBIS™ Beam Combining Kit #37-330 €1.470,00   Request Quote
  • Contact Us
Coherent® OBIS™ 1214874 | DC Power Supply and Power Cord (Non-CDRH) #87-472 €84,00   Request Quote
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Heat Sink for OBIS™ Laser #34-249 €218,00   Request Quote
  • 3-4 days
Coherent® OBIS™ 1214875 | Remote w/ DC Power Supply & Power Cord (CDRH) #87-473 €595,00   Request Quote
  • 3-4 days
Coherent® OBIS™ 1234466 | 6 Laser Scientific Remote w/ Power Supply (CDRH) #87-475 €2.295,00   Request Quote
  • 3-4 days
Coherent® OBIS™ 1193289 | Heat Sink w/ Integrated Cooling Fan #87-474 €395,00   Request Quote
  • 3-4 days

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