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Precision Waveplates for Laser Processing

  • High Laser Damage Threshold at Common Laser Processing Wavelengths
  • λ/500 Retardance Tolerance
  • Ideal for Material Machining Applications

Precision Waveplates for Laser Processing offer an exceptional damage threshold making them ideal for material processing and other high energy applications. These waveplates feature a premium retardance tolerance of λ/500, enabling their use in sensitive applications requiring high precision and stability. Designed as zero order, these waveplates allow for a greater than ±1% wavelength deviation due to their increased bandwidth and lower sensitivity to temperature change. Precision Waveplates for Laser Processing are available in 25.4 and 50.8mm diameters and are designed for commonly used material machining wavelengths of 532, 1030, and 1064nm. The waveplates designed for use with Nd:YAG laser wavelengths feature damage thresholds up to 35J/cm2 @ 1064nm with 10ns pulses while the waveplates designed for Yb:YAG feature damage thresholds up to 0.5 J/cm² @ 1030 nm with 200fs pulses.

Common Specifications

Parallelism (arcsec):
Ravg<0.1% on each surface
Crystal Quartz
Surface Quality:
Retardance Tolerance:
<λ/500 @ 20C
Mount Thickness (mm):
6.00 +0.00/-0.25


 Title   Compare   Stock Number   Price  Buy
Low Order Ultra High LDT Waveplate λ/2 532nm 25.4mm Dia
Low Order Ultra High LDT Waveplate λ/2 1030nm 25.4mm Dia
Low Order Ultra High LDT Waveplate λ/2 1064nm 25.4mm Dia
Low Order Ultra High LDT Waveplate λ/2 532nm 50.8mm Dia
Low Order Ultra High LDT Waveplate λ/2 1030nm 50.8mm Dia
Low Order Ultra High LDT Waveplate λ/2 1064nm 50.8mm Dia

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