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HOLO/OR Diffractive Beam Shapers

HOLO/OR Diffractive Beam Shapers

  • Shape Gaussian Beams to Top-Hat Profile
  • Square Output Shape with Uniform Intensity
  • Designs for 532nm Nd:YAG Lasers
  • Compatible with Single Mode Beams

Common Specifications

Thickness (mm):
3.00 ±0.1
Laser V-Coat (532nm)
Design Wavelength DWL (nm):
Fused Silica (Corning 7980)
Output Shape:
Damage Threshold, Reference:


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532nm, 25.4mm Dia., Top-Hat Diffractive Beam Shaper
532nm, 20mm Dia., Stable Top-Hat Diffractive Beam Shaper

Product Details

HOLO/OR Diffractive Beam Shapers are diffractive optical elements (DOE) that transform laser beams with a nearly-Gaussian profile into a defined 2D shape with uniform intensity distribution at the focal point of a lens. These diffractive beam shapers are available in two types, top-hat or stable top-hat. Top-hat beam shapers have a larger transfer region but better defocus behavior compared to stable top-hat beam shapers. HOLO/OR Diffractive Beam Shapers are used in materials processing applications, including laser cutting, scribing, and ablation, as well as illumination applications such as wafer inspection and lithography.

Note: Diffractive optical elements are not intended for use outside of their design wavelength. Diffractive optical elements will have decreased performance if their surfaces become dirty from oil or other substances. It is recommended to always use gloves or finger cots when handling these optics.

Edmund Optics offers a range of diffractive optical elements from HOLO/OR for laser applications, including:

  • Diffractive Diffusers: used to convert an input laser beam to a defined shape with homogenized distribution
  • Diffractive Beamsplitters: used to split an input laser beam into a 1D array or 2D matrix output
  • Diffractive Beam Shapers: used to transform a nearly-Gaussian laser beam into a defined shape with uniform flat top intensity distribution
  • Diffractive Beam Samplers: used to transmit an input laser beam while producing two higher order beams that can be used to monitor high power lasers
  • Diffractive Axicons: used to transform an input laser beam to a Bessel beam that can be focused to a ring
  • Diffractive Vortex Phase Plates: used to convert a Gaussian profile beam to a donut-shaped energy ring

Technical Information



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Laser Damage Threshold