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TECHSPEC® components are designed, specified, or manufactured by Edmund Optics. TECHSPEC® components are designed, specified, or manufactured by Edmund Optics. Learn More

N-BK7 Penta Prisms

  • Ray Deviation of 90°
  • Right Handed Image
  • Optical Tool for Defining a Right Angle
  • Additional Penta Prism Options Available

Common Specifications

Dimensional Tolerance (mm):
Protective bevel as needed
Image Orientation:
Ray Deviation (°):
Power (fringes) @ 632.8nm:
Irregularity (fringes) @ 632.8nm:


 Length of Legs (mm)   Coating   Ray Deviation (°)   Wavelength Range (nm)   Beam Deviation Tolerance (arcmin)   Compare   Stock Number   Price  Buy
1.00 VIS 0° & Aluminized 90 425 - 675 ±5
5.00 MgF2 & Aluminized 90 400 - 700 ±5
5.00 VIS 0° & Aluminized 90 425 - 675 ±5
10.00 MgF2 & Aluminized 90 400 - 700 ±5
10.00 VIS 0° & Aluminized 90 425 - 675 ±5
15.00 MgF2 & Aluminized 90 400 - 700 ±5
15.00 VIS 0° & Aluminized 90 425 - 675 ±5
20.00 MgF2 & Aluminized 90 400 - 700 ±5
20.00 VIS 0° & Aluminized 90 425 - 675 ±5
25.00 MgF2 & Aluminized 90 400 - 700 ±5
25.00 MgF2 & Aluminized 90 400 - 700 ±1
30.00 MgF2 & Aluminized 90 400 - 700 ±5
30.00 VIS 0° & Aluminized 90 425 - 675 ±5
35.00 VIS 0° & Aluminized 90 425 - 675 ±5
40.00 MgF2 & Aluminized 90 400 - 700 ±5
40.00 VIS 0° & Aluminized 90 425 - 675 ±5
45.00 VIS 0° & Aluminized 90 425 - 675 ±5
50.00 MgF2 & Aluminized 90 400 - 700 ±5
50.00 MgF2 & Aluminized 90 400 - 700 ±1
50.00 VIS 0° & Aluminized 90 425 - 675 ±5

Product Details

TECHSPEC® N-BK7 Penta Prisms are five-sided prisms featuring a ray deviation of 90° and a right-handed image. The reflecting surfaces are aluminized. Slight movement of the prism does not affect the true right angle at which light rays are reflected, making a penta prism the ideal optical tool for defining a right angle in an optical system. TECHSPEC® N-BK7 Penta Prisms are made from precision N-BK7 for use in a variety of visible light applications. These prisms are offered with a VIS 0º or MgF2 coating, in a variety of sizes. 

Technical Information

Penta Prism Ray Path
Penta Prism Ray Path
Penta Prism Tunnel Diagram
Penta Prism Tunnel Diagram
TECHSPEC® Penta Prism Dimensions
Stock No. Coating Dimensions
#85-159 VIS 0° 0.50 0.60
#85-160 VIS 0° 1.00 1.20
#45-112 MgF2 5.00 6.10
#48-595 VIS 0°
#32-030 MgF2 10.00 11.95
#48-596 VIS 0°
#43-502 MgF2 15.00 15.96
#48-597 VIS 0°
#31-051 MgF2 20.00 21.65
#48-598 VIS 0°
#42-779 MgF2 25.00 27.90
#47-458 MgF2
#48-599 VIS 0°
#45-073 MgF2 30.00 32.47
#48-600 VIS 0°
#45-402 MgF2 35.00 37.88
#48-601 VIS 0°
#45-674 MgF2 40.00 43.30
#48-602 VIS 0°
#45-675 MgF2 45.00 48.71
#48-603 VIS 0°
#45-676 MgF2 50.00 54.12
#47-459 MgF2
#48-604 VIS 0°
N-BK7 Penta Prisms