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Ground Glass Diffusers

  • Available in Sizes Ranging from 5mm Diameter to 250mm Square
  • Low Scatter Loss
  • Evenly Ground Surface for Even Diffusion
  • Fused Silica Substrates Available

Common Specifications

Sandblasted on first surface
Thickness (mm):
Float Glass
Wavelength Range (nm):
350 - 2000


Dia. (mm)  Coating   Dimensions (mm)   Grit   Thickness (mm)   Compare   Stock Number   Price  Buy
5.00 Uncoated - 120 1.60
6.00 Uncoated - 120 1.60
10.00 Uncoated - 120 1.60
- Uncoated 10.00 x 10.00 120 1.60
12.50 Uncoated - 120 1.60
- Uncoated 12.50 x 12.50 120 1.60
15.00 Uncoated - 120 1.60
20.00 Uncoated - 120 1.60
25.00 Uncoated - 120 1.60
- Uncoated 25.00 x 25.00 120 1.60
50.00 Uncoated - 120 1.60
- Uncoated 50.00 x 50.00 120 1.60
100.00 Uncoated - 120 1.60
- Uncoated 100.00 x 100.00 120 1.60
- Uncoated 150.00 x 150.00 120 1.60
- Uncoated 200.00 x 200.00 120 1.60
- Uncoated 250.00 x 250.00 120 1.60
5.00 Uncoated - 220 1.60
6.00 Uncoated - 220 1.60
10.00 Uncoated - 220 1.60
- Uncoated 10.00 x 10.00 220 1.60
12.50 Uncoated - 220 1.60
- Uncoated 12.50 x 12.50 220 1.60
15.00 Uncoated - 220 1.60
20.00 Uncoated - 220 1.60
25.00 Uncoated - 220 1.60
- Uncoated 25.00 x 25.00 220 1.60
50.00 Uncoated - 220 1.60
- Uncoated 50.00 x 50.00 220 1.60
100.00 Uncoated - 220 1.60
- Uncoated 100.00 x 100.00 220 1.60
- Uncoated 150.00 x 150.00 220 1.60
- Uncoated 200.00 x 200.00 220 1.60
- Uncoated 250.00 x 250.00 220 1.60
10.00 Uncoated - 600 1.60
- Uncoated 10.00 x 10.00 600 1.60
12.50 Uncoated - 600 1.60
- Uncoated 12.50 x 12.50 600 1.60
25.00 Uncoated - 600 1.60
- Uncoated 25.00 x 25.00 600 1.60
50.00 Uncoated - 600 1.60
- Uncoated 50.00 x 50.00 600 1.60
100.00 Uncoated - 600 1.60
- Uncoated 100.00 x 100.00 600 1.60
Didn't find your exact size? Get an immediate quote for your specified size here.

Product Details

Ground Glass Diffusers are comprised of high tolerance, quality ground glass making them ideal for a variety of industrial applications. The float glass substrate has excellent visible transmission and is ideal for general diffusing applications. A 120-grit, 220-grit or 600-grit (as noted) sandblast is used to create a diffuse surface on the glass. Ground Glass Diffusers have even diffusion across the entire surface from undergoing two orthogonal passes during this sandblast process. The scattering is a compromise of low scatter loss and medium diffusion. Typical applications include use in screens, illuminator diffusion, and targets. 

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