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30° - 60° - 90° Littrow Dispersion Prisms

30° - 60° - 90° Littrow Dispersion Prisms

  • Ray Deviation of 60° If Coated
  • Ideal as a Dispersion Prism if Uncoated
  • Right Handed Image

TECHSPEC® 30° - 60° - 90° Littrow Dispersion Prisms can be used for a variety of applications. Uncoated littrow dispersion prisms are used to disperse light into its component spectrum. Coated littrow dispersion prisms are used to deviate the line of sight by 60°. TECHSPEC® 30° - 60° - 90° Littrow Dispersion Prisms feature 30°, 60°, and 90° angles, and depending on whether the B-C surface is uncoated or coated, are commonly used as dispersion or beam deviation prisms. They are comprised of a N-BK7 substrate and create a right-handed image. 

Common Specifications

Dimensional Tolerance (mm):
Protective bevel as needed
Surface Quality:
Angle Tolerance (arcmin):
Image Orientation:
Ray Deviation (°):
Power (fringes) @ 632.8nm:
Irregularity (fringes) @ 632.8nm:


 Length (mm)   Coating   Substrate   Compare   Stock Number   Price  Buy
12.70 Protected Aluminum (400-2000nm) N-BK7
12.70 Uncoated N-BK7
22.00 Protected Aluminum (400-2000nm) N-BK7
22.00 Uncoated N-BK7

Product Details

Dispersion Prisms (Uncoated)

Collimated white light enters into the A-C surface of the prism, is reflected at the hypotenuse surface, and then dispersed into its component spectrum at the B-C surface. Although Littrow prisms produce narrower dispersion than equilateral prisms, Littrow prisms are typically less expensive.

Beam Deviation Prisms (Coated)

Incident light enters into the aluminum coated B-C surface of the prism at the nominal angle and returns back using the same path. In spectrum dispersion applications utilizing white light, the resolution performance of Littrow prisms is equal to equilateral prisms since the optical path length through the glass substrate is the same distance round-trip. Additionally, light entered into the A-C surface will reflect twice inside the glass substrate before being emitted through the hypotenuse surface at 60°.

Technical Information

Littrow Dispersion Prism Ray Path
Littrow Dispersion Prism Ray Path
Littrow Dispersion Prism Tunnel Diagram
Littrow Dispersion Prism Tunnel Diagram
Stock No. A B C
#43-648 12.7mm 21.9mm 12.7mm
#43-649 22mm 38.11mm 22mm